Photonic MEMS (Special Topics)
Course code: ME498-PM4
Credit hours: 4
Course flyer: Click here
In this course students will learn about the ways in which light interacts mechanically with photonic microsystems (i.e. via radiation pressure, gradient force, electrostrictive pressure, and photothermal effects), and how mechanical systems can affect and manipulate light. We will also discuss how optically and mechanically resonant micro/nanodevices can enhance such nonlinear optical interactions. Some prior exposure to electromagnetics, fourier analysis, and vector calculus is recommended.
Prerequisites: Phys212 and/or Phys214, equivalent coursework, or consent of instructor.
CRN: 60698
MEMS-NEMS Theory & Fabrication
Course code: ME487
Credit hours: 4
Summary: Physical and chemical theory, design, and hands-on fabrication of micro- and nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS); cleanroom fabrication theory, including general cleanroom safety, lithography, additive and subtractive processes, bulk and surface micromachining, deep reactive ion etching (DRIE), lithographic Galvanoformung Abformung (LIGA), packaging, scaling, actuators, and micro-nanofluids; fabrication of two take-home devices, such as piezoresistive sensors and microfluidic chips, that demonstrate advanced fabrication processing.
Prerequisites: Phys212, equivalent coursework, or consent of instructor.
CRN: 55925
Mechanical Design I
Course code: ME370
Credit hours: 3
Summary: Kinematics and dynamics of machinery, including analytical kinematics, force analysis, cam design and balancing. Application of elementary mechanics of solids to analyze and size machine components for stress and deflection. Introduction to finite element analysis with emphasis on beam and plate models.
Prerequisites: ME270, TAM 212, TAM 251.
CRN: 37388
Signal Processing
Course code: ME360
Credit hours: 3.5
Summary: Basic electromechanical techniques used in modern instrumentation and control systems. Use of transducers and actuators. Signal conditioning, grounding, and shielding. Analog and digital signal processing and feedback control methods with emphasis on frequency domain techniques. Frequency response of continuous and discrete systems.
Prerequisites: ME340
CRN: 36667